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  • Writer's pictureBy Lani


Updated: May 2, 2020

In my household, Sunday morning means waking with no alarm to Dads old school RnB, while my little sister and I dance around the house in our pj’s waiting for Mum to make our all time favourite family brekky... pancakes!!!

Now whilst this tradition hasn’t changed since I was just learning to walk, the ingredients in my pancakes may have altered just a little!

These buckwheat pancakes are quick, easy and healthy alternatives to the ‘not so good’ pancakes that taste yummy in the moment, but leave you feeling sick and sluggish after!


This recipe makes 2 medium sized pancakes:

Base Ingredients:

  • 3 heaped tbl spoons buckwheat flour

  • 1 egg

  • 50mL or 3-4 dashes of almond milk (or milk of choice)

Extras and toppings:

  • Banana (or any fruit of choice i.e. mango, strawberries, etc.)

  • Coconut yogurt

  • Mayvers peanut butter (or other nut butter)

  • Honey

  • Cinnamon

  • Maca powder

  • Hemp seeds

  • Buckinis

  • Cashews

  • Pumpkin seeds


1. Mix the 3 base ingredients (buckwheat flour, egg, almond milk) together in a bowel

2. Optional: Mix in additional ingredients of choice… for this batch I added a tbl spoon of maca powder, half a tsp of cinnamon, and a tbl spoon of hemp seeds

3. Pan fry on a medium heat - I put some coconut oil on the pan to cook. Then flip the pancake when the top no longer looks as wet as the mixture.

4. Serve with toppings… I topped these beauties with banana, coconut yogurt, peanut butter, cashews, buckinis, pumpkin seeds, cinnamon and a drizzle of honey.


The best part about these pancakes is that they are just awaiting your creativity! Try mixing up their flavour by adding some different ingredients to the mix. Almond butter, berries, cacao nibs, mango... cater these pancakes to your taste for your perfect Sunday morning and enjoy. x


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